Affinity/Dharma Friends Groups

Many insight meditation centers around the United States offer guidance for members to self-organize to discuss the teachings and their applications to daily life in a friendly and supportive environment.
As a peer-led group, the participants of a Dharma Friends or Kalyana Mitta group determine what to read and the structure of the weekly meetings. Discussions center on bringing the Dharma into practice in daily life.

Wednesday Dharma Friends

Wednesday Evenings 6:30 – 8:00 pm (ongoing) On Zoom

This group has been running since 2010 for people who vary widely in their experience with meditation. A set format is followed: 20 minutes of reading from a group-selected source (usually a book) that stays within arms reach of well-grounded teachings; 20 minutes of meditation; an optional check-in regarding our practice and residual discussion; ending with a short meditation and announcements.

This group is ongoing throughout the year and is open to all sangha members.

Parents of Young Children

1st Sunday of Every Month 10am – noon
New Program Coming Soon.

Our Parents’ Dharma Friends Group meets monthly on the first Sunday of every month, from 10am till noon. This group is intended to provide parents with younger children the opportunity to gather with their families and practice together. We meet in the home of one of our parents, Taina Lyons, in West Brattleboro. This home is particularly well suited to the schedule and structure of our meetings. Every meeting starts with a gathering time which provides parents and children the chance to gather all together and enjoy tea and light snacks. A more formal gathering time with story and singing eases the transition when parents leave their children in the care of sitters and/or designated parents to meet together for meditation and group sharing. Group sharing usually provides parents the opportunity to explore together how their practice influences or guides their efforts as parents.

This group has been meeting since 2015, and averages about 7 parents each meeting. Newcomers are welcome.


Monday Evenings of every other week
VIMC member’s home

The Eco-Dharma Friends Group meets every other week, on Monday evenings, in the home of one of our members, Bonnie Hill. This group has been exploring the impact of climate change and steps that might prove fruitful in reducing human contributions to the growing problem. We start each meeting with twenty minutes of meditation, followed by discussion based upon members’ reading of a chosen text. New members are welcome.

Sutta Study

Our sutta study group has been meeting several years in the homes of different members. We have read directly from suttas as well as commentaries about specific suttas. Our study and discussion is self led and aimed at practical application of the teachings upon our personal practice. We’ve been studying the suttas of the Pali Canon, including the Majjhima Nikaya and the Atthakavagga. We meet every 3 weeks for 2 hours. We typically start with 10 minutes of meditation followed by reading and discussion of the suttas and commentary. This group is currently closed to new members. We’d be happy to consult with others who would like to form a second sutta group.