Make a Donation

Online Donations

Click a button on this page to make a tax-deductible donation through PayPal using either a credit card or your PayPal account. You will be given the option to check a box to make the donation monthly.

Thank you for your Generosity.
Prefer to Pay by Check?

To make a tax-deductible donation by mail, send a check to:
PO Box 792
Brattleboro, VT 05302

Please make checks payable to VIMC and be sure to note teacher’s name or donation category in the memo line.

Dana is the Pali word for giving, the active expression of generosity. Read more about the practice of dana here»

2024 Annual Appeal


Read the Annual Appeal Letter»

For information on donating directly from a Retirement Fund
click here»

Winnie Nazarko
Offer Dana
in Appreciation for her Teachings

Support for Virtual Events
Home Dana Bowl

At the back of every Buddhist meditation hall is a bowl where practitioners offer dana for the teachings. The idea here is that we put a bowl in our home and contribute a little each time we participate in an online program, donating to VIMC periodically here.

Donate to VIMC Expenses

Make a one-time donation or a monthly donation.

Donate to the Endowment Fund

To read more about the Endowment Fund, click here»

Tax Deduction Information

VIMC is a tax-deductible 501(c)(3) not-for-profit corporation.

  • When writing a dana check for a teacher please make it out to VIMC and note the teacher’s name in the memo line.
  • For information on making a Qualified Charitable Donation from a Retirement Account and VIMC Beneficiary Information (including Tax ID) click here»