Meditation Sitting Groups


Vermont Insight Meditation Center offers a range of opportunities for meditation practice. All groups welcome new and experienced students alike. Instructions are given when requested by those attending. Teachers or Practice Leaders are available for questions following the session.


The Zoom link for our drop-in programs is published in our  Weekly Newsletter subscribe here»

Drop-in Groups on Zoom and/or In-person

Sunday Sitting Group with VIMC Teachers

In-person and  on Zoom (HYBRID)
10:00 am – 12:00 Noon

The Sunday Morning Sitting begins at 10 with a guided meditation followed by Dharma exploration at 11. We end at noon with a brief dedication of our practice for the well-being of all. Supportive instruction and teachings illuminate the simple but very challenging practice of insight meditation and mindfulness practice, an ancient path taught by the Buddha. To walk this path of wisdom and compassion, we need the support of a community that shares this intention. The group is appropriate for both beginning and experienced students. Please join us. Chairs and cushions are provided.

Led by VIMC Teachers:  Cheryl Wilfong, Susan Dreyer Leon, Paul Rodrigue or Claire Stanley, with occasional guest teachers; on our open Zoom link. (See Newsletter for more information.)

Weekday Sitting Groups with VIMC Practice Leaders (Online and /or In-person) 

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday mornings, 7:00 – 7:45 am HYBRID  (ZOOM and In-person)
Friday mornings, 7:00 – 7:45 am In-person only
Tuesday Evenings, 5:30 -6:15 pm ZOOM Only
Friday Evenings, 5:30 -6:15 pm and 6:30 -7:15 pm ZOOM Only

Friday Morning Group Awareness Exercise (GAE) with Susan Dreyer Leon, VIMC Teacher

Friday Mornings, 7:00 am to 8:00 am ZOOM Only

Drop-in, no need to register. See Newsletter for VIMC Open Zoom Link.

Our teachers time and again tell us to “rest in awareness.” But what is awareness—sometimes called presence—and how do we recognize it?

Instruction on how to use noting meditation for the purpose of feeling into awareness will be given. Participants take turns during an hour of practice, using out-loud noting meditation together as we sidle up to Awareness.

Meditation and Conversation

(Formerly, Beginners Group)
Led by VIMC Teachers

Saturday Mornings (1st and 3rd) (See homepage for meeting details)
9:00 – 10:30 am ZOOM Only
Instruction, discussion, Q & A, and two short practice sessions

Pre-Registration Required 

Monthly Meditation Retreats
with VIMC and Visiting Teachers

Almost every month, a half-day meditation retreat is offered, usually on a Saturday. Dates for the retreats may vary according to visiting teacher schedules. Please see our schedule of retreats for details or view on the Calendar. Retreats require pre-registration.

Other Groups

For information about Dharma Friends and Affinity Groups click here»


Within the Theravadin Buddhist tradition, generosity or dana is practiced by making an offering to the teachers. For 2600 years, since the time of the Buddha, the teachings have been considered priceless and have been offered freely. The teachers offer the dana or generosity of their teaching and they are supported through the dana of the students and the community. Weekly or bi-monthly sitting groups are offered entirely on a dana basis.
Learn more about dana and the practice of generosity »