A Hybrid Day-Long Retreat

Right Effort and Embodied Mindfulness
with Mary Aubry

December 10, 2022
10:00 am. – 5:00 pm

During this one-day retreat, we will come together for a day of meditation practice, dharma exploration, and sangha-building discussion. In the morning, Mary will give instructions on embodied mindfulness, and in the afternoon we will continue our practice and discuss the sixth factor of the Noble Eightfold Path, Right Effort.

Mary will join us via Zoom and participants are welcome to join either via Zoom or come to the Hall to participate in community.  For more information about visiting the Hall please see below.

Mary Aubry has been a student of the Dharma for 30 years and has spent over 400 nights on silent retreat. Her teachers have included Bhikkhu Analayo, Joseph Goldstein, Sharon Salsberg, Leigh Brasington, Rodney Smith, Tara Brach and Gregory Kramer. In 2009, Mary began teaching meditation classes for the Insight Meditation Community of Washington, DC.  In 2012, she graduated from Spirit Rock’s Community Dharma Leadership program.  In 2014, Tara Brach authorized her to teach insight retreats and in 2016 Leigh Brasington authorized her to teach jhana retreats. She currently teaches retreats on insight, the brahmaviharas, the jhanas, and emptiness and is one of the facilitating teachers for Bhikkhu Analayo’s courses on Satipatthana and Anapanasati practice.

You can listen to Mary’s talk on Abiding in Emptiness <<HERE>> , find other talks on Dharma Seed <<HERE>> and some of her writing on IMCW’s website>>

Coming in Person?

In the Hall, tea will be available throughout the day, chairs and cushions are provided and participants may bring their own. Please bring something to drink in a closed container as well as your lunch and other snacks as you wish.  More information about visiting the hall HERE>>

Registration and Dana

The registration fee supports Vermont Insight and in addition it is customary to make a donation to the teacher in appreciation for the teachings.

Dana and Fee Waivers: The teachings of the Buddha have been offered freely for 2600 years.

A link will be sent to participants so they can make a Gratitude offering (Dana) to the teacher here.

AND We continue to offer the teachings freely to all who would benefit. Your practice is a gift to us all. When you register please select a fee waiver if that is appropriate

The Zoom link will be sent December 9:   Once registrations close at noon, an email will be sent to ALL who are registered with the Zoom link by 5 pm that day.

Please add [email protected] to your contacts or check your Junk/Spam/Promotions Mail folders if you have not received the retreat detail letter by 5 pm on the day before the retreat.

Please register below by selecting the number of people for whom you are registering and if you are coming to the hall indicate how many are coming in-person.